Make Ahead Bread Giveaway and Doing the Gibassier — Gluten-Free!


Once we hit the full throttle of fall and the holidays start stacking up around each corner of the calendar, I get the itch to bake. Of course, there are the requisite cookies, pies, and cupcakes but when it comes to breads of any kind, I mostly steer clear. That is, until now. So what’s with my sudden interest in bread baking?

It is due in no small part to a great new book out right now, called Make Ahead Bread, by my friend and former Virtual Potluck colleague, Donna Currie.

Donna’s new book takes you by the hand and makes it all seem so easy and fun, whether you’re a novice or a semi-regular baker, a full-force wheat belly or gluten-free glutton, she will get you excited about the idea of bread baking. (Plus, there is a totally freaking AWESOME giveaway below bound to make lots of people happy!) (more…)

Gluten-Free Buttermilk Brownies

Gluten-free Buttermilk BrowniesI first tasted buttermilk brownies WAY back in the day, some 20 years or so ago. Back before my European travels and before I began writing professionally, in my “other life” as an optician. It has been nearly that long maybe 16 years) since I have had a pan of these fluffy, light, extra moist, chocolatey delights but with my birthday coming up in September — I had a sudden nostalgic hankering. (more…)

Dinner and a Movie: Valentine’s Day, MeatLove and Mash with Volcano Gravy

IMG_1248.jpgSome people hate Valentine’s Day.

I’m not one of them. For someone like me, whose idea of religion consists of food and love, it’s the perfect kind of holiday. In fact, Valentine’s Day is my second favorite holiday — right after Thanksgiving. And yes, I understand it’s corporate derived to get you to buy loads of chocolate, wine, flowers and jewelry — but like anything, I think Valentine’s Day is what you make of it.

I like to make it about cooking and love — MeatLove. (more…)

Easiest Holiday Chocolate Pie — 2 Ways

Easy Peasy Holiday Chocolate Pie

Easy Peasy Holiday Chocolate Pie


There are some things in this life that never disappoint — chocolate is one of them. During the holidays, I usually go a little off the rails, especially when it comes to chocolate and chocolate pie is a fave. In fact, it was the one thing I craved so much when I was preggers (besides steak tacos) that I actually ate half a pie — only once (don’t judge, if you check the conversion sheet, every girl is auto-allowed half a pie when she’s pregnant.) This year for Christmas, we’re at my MIL’s house in Maryland (it was snowing when we got here but now it’s in the 70s — go figure!) and we’re headed to my SIL’s house tonight for a little family gathering around the backyard fire pit. (more…)

Apologies . . . and a Fire in My Belly

Hey ya! Groovy Readers;

I’ve missed you all. After a horrific month of ridiculous medical issues for the whole fam (my sweet toddler even had pneumonia!) and a very messy transfer from to fully hosted (My top links got hacked and I lost a ton of READERS due to rerouting issues!! YIKES!!!) I am now back on track and so is the blog.

I hope you haven’t forsaken me.

So to kick things off in style, I have a giveaway in appreciation of all of you that have stuck by me and continued to check  back for new posts. (more…)