World of Cocoa: Spiced Cocoa-Crusted Pork Loin Chops

Spiced Cocoa-Crusted Pork Loin Chop

The other night, we ate the MOST decadent, deliciously chocolate-laden meal and dessert of my life — and it’s all because of YOU, my dear readers. You see, because of you, I was not satisfied with making just one dish for the Savory Spice Shop promotion — nor was I content with the two I already posted. No — I needed a full six course meal full of cocoa-liscious recipes. (more…)

Chocolate Recipes: Exploring the World of Cocoa with Savory Spice

As any loyal reader knows, I have a thing for chocolate so when Savory Spice Shop approached the Virtual Potluck (VP) gang and we were all charged with choosing a section — I chose the baking section because Savory Spice Online has six different kinds of cocoa/cacao powder residing there.  Ah! The rich splendor of cocoa!

For the rest of this month, The Groovy Foody will be exploring the world of cocoa with a total of six recipes (one for each type) including a bevy of savory entries, because  if you haven’t experienced cocoa or chocolate in it’s non-dessert form, you’re only getting half the picture. (more…)