Beat Your Soda Addiction: Go Sugar-Free with Stevia

As part our family’s commitment to Build A Better Me this year, we have eliminated gluten in our diets, reduced the overall carbs in our family’s food choices, and adopted a mostly Paleo style diet. But the most compelling change in our household came for my husband. It was over a year ago now, that he drank his last soda and he did it with some help from a little herb called Stevia. (more…)

Guilt-Free Summer: Frosty Faux Frappuccino

frappuccino homemade and guilt-free

Mmmmm. . . frosty, sweet and creamy — hits the spot!

Here on the blog (and more importantly, in my life) I am always striving to be better and do better. Not only am I gluten-free right now (and way low carb) I have also eliminated sugar and caffeine from the old diet as well. I never know how long this will last, I try my best, but I am far from perfect — I just think it’s important to try to be as healthy as I can be.

That said, as many of you who have tried my recipes know — I will NEVER sacrifice flavor. (more…)

A Bountiful Bevy of Berry Recipes from a Berrylicious Summer Party


berry-gazpacho-close-upBerries are nature’s candy. There is nothing better than biting into a handful of the sweetest, ripest and juiciest of summer’s bounties — the berry. Berries are so delectable and favored in our house, that my son refers to them as dessert and has, on many occasions, passed on ice cream or a cookie in favor of a juicy crimson-fleshed strawberry (his favorite.)  Not only are they delicious but — wait for it — they pack a wallop when it comes to nutrition. That is, if you eat organic. (more…)

Sour Cherry and Sour Cream Shake from Adam Ried’s Thoroughly Modern Milkshakes

It’s summer time and though the weather here in the Pacific Northwest hasn’t seemed to have received that memo yet — we at The Groovy Foody have. We’re not gonna let a little lack of sunshine ruin our summer fun, we’re celebrating the kick-off of summer with the bevy creamy treats whipped up by Adam Ried in his freshly released cookbook, Thoroughly Modern Milkshakes. (more…)

Easy Frozen Fruit Pops

Around here at The Groovy Foody, we’re kind of known for doing more complicated dishes, for delving into alternatives like baking with whole grain quinoa or exploring world cuisine but even the most adventurous foodie among us likes to take part in the simple things.  This is even more imperative on hot days, when you might not want to be hanging around a hot stove and instead enjoying a frozen treat to beat the heat. (more…)